Thysanoptera of Japan


Parabaliothrips brevisetosus Masumoto & Okajima, 2020

和名: - 

本種は関東地方~沖縄まで広く分布する。P. betulaceaeは山地で見られるが、本種は平地で見られる。関東地方では成虫は4月~5月にスダジイの若葉や花、ヤブニッケイの若葉等で見られる。オスは未知。

This species is widely distributred in Kanto-region to Okinawa. Another Japanese species, P. betulaceae, is distributed in the mountainous area but this species is distributed in the plains. In Kanto-region, it occurs in the flowers and young leaves of Castanopsis sieboldii and young leaves of Cinnamomum japonicum and so on at April to May. Male is unknown.

  • Female




    Femal head and thorax

    Habitat:Castanopsis sieboldii スダジイ花

    Habitat:Castanopsis sieboldii スダジイ葉